The test driver

The test driver is the executable generated by GNATbdd. In fact, there could be several drivers built, depending on how you chose to run GNATbdd. For instance, one of the driver might stub part of your application, whereas another driver would test that same part and stub another part.

Finding features

Let’s first examine how the driver finds all the features for your application.

Typically, the features are written in text files with a .feature extension. Several editors will automatically provide syntax highlighting with such an extension. However, you can choose your own extension by using the --ext .EXT switch when you run the driver.

By default, the driver will find all the files with a matching extension in a subdirectory names features, within the directory where the driver is run. You can however specify one or more other directories to check, by using the --features DIR switch one or more times.

The driver will always search recursively in those directories. This lets you organize the files into subdirectories when you have several of them, and thus perhaps make it easier to refer to them.

The driver will run the features file in alphabetical order of the full path of the feature file, by default. This provides a more consistent output when the driver is run multiple times.

However, by using the --random switch, the order of features is randomized. This is a convenient way to check that the various tests are indeed independent of each other, as they should be to make it possible to run tests individually.

Running feature

When you run the driver, you can use the switch --tags to control which scenarios should be run. For instance, all scenarios related to '@gui‘, or all scenarios not related to '@startup‘. You can of course select subsets of scenarios based on the file names, but tags provide a file-system-agnostic selection mechanism.

Step timeout


This will likely require each scenario to be run in its own task. There will be only one such task, so it doesn’t really add constraints on the user code or step definitions, but it makes debugging slightly more difficult.


Perhaps we can also change the way the driver is generated, rather than do everything dynamically in the driver itself.

You can use the --timeout switch to specify a maximum time that steps can take to execute. A test that times out will automatically fail with an appropriate error message.

Running tests in parallel

There are multiple modes to run features in parallel. The parallelism is always between .feature file, never between the Scenario of a given file.

When your application is task safe, you can run multiple features in parallel by running each in its own task (up to a maximum number of tasks of course).

In other cases, the driver can automatically spawn several instances of itself, each running a single feature in parallel of the others. This is slightly less efficient, but does not impose task-safety constraints on your application.